
During my tenure of over a year and a half at Tryano, I undertook a comprehensive web redesign project that encompassed multiple crucial aspects of the user journey. This redesign involved enhancing various key pages, including the Homepage, Category Landing Page (CLP), Product Detail Page (PDP), Product Listing Page (PLP), and checkout process, among others.



REISS - Bag Redesign



REISS - Bag Redesign


I spearheaded a redesign initiative for Tryano's Product Detail Page (PDP), leveraging data insights provided by the client. Recognizing usability challenges such as navigation difficulties and lack of visual appeal, I prioritized enhancing user experience. Through modernization and strategic design adjustments, including improved information hierarchy and streamlined navigation, I aimed to align the PDP with Tryano's brand identity while ensuring seamless progression through the shopping journey.

My Role

Research, Analysis, Product Design, User Testing

The Team

1 Designer, 1 Product Manager


Nov 2021 - Mar 2023


In 2019, I undertook a re-design project based on data analysis provided by the client. We identified several issues with the basket page, including its unattractive appearance and difficulty in navigation, particularly when trying to complete the payment process and locate relevant call-to-action buttons. To address these issues, I focused on modernizing the design to align it with the brand's other pages, improving hierarchy, and enhancing the overall user experience to facilitate easy access to relevant information and progression to the next step.


The challenge for this test was the significant change we proposed. The previous basket page and overall experience lacked cleanliness and intuitiveness. Our hypothesis was that by encouraging users to select the primary call-to-action and proceed to checkout, they would be more likely to complete their purchase. Analyzing the data, we discovered that Reiss, being a relatively expensive brand, typically had a maximum of three items in the checkout.


Based on our data analysis, we made strategic design choices. We positioned the products and their information on the left side of the page, while placing the call-to-action and additional details on the right side. This layout enabled users to view the call-to-action and all relevant information simultaneously without the need for excessive scrolling. We also increased the size of the product images, as they were previously quite small. Additionally, we improved the image zoom functionality, allowing users to examine the products in detail without navigating back to previous pages. Overall, this test yielded exceptional results.

3.5% increase in conversion rate

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