I spearheaded a redesign initiative for Tryano's Product Detail Page (PDP), leveraging data insights provided by the client. Recognizing usability challenges such as navigation difficulties and lack of visual appeal, I prioritized enhancing user experience. Through modernization and strategic design adjustments, including improved information hierarchy and streamlined navigation, I aimed to align the PDP with Tryano's brand identity while ensuring seamless progression through the shopping journey.
My Role
Research, Analysis, Product Design, User Testing
The Team
1 Designer, 1 Product Manager
Nov 2021 - Mar 2023
I worked on iCandidate, a recruitment app developed by a start-up company, where users could seamlessly browse and select preferred job opportunities. As part of the Sketch design team, I collaborated with the lead designer in defining the app's overall direction, contributed to the creation of brand guidelines, and took an active role in designing key primary and secondary pages.