
During my tenure of over a year and a half at Tryano, I undertook a comprehensive web redesign project that encompassed multiple crucial aspects of the user journey. This redesign involved enhancing various key pages, including the Homepage, Category Landing Page (CLP), Product Detail Page (PDP), Product Listing Page (PLP), and checkout process, among others.



PLP Redesign - SIXT



PLP Redesign - SIXT


I spearheaded a redesign initiative for Tryano's Product Detail Page (PDP), leveraging data insights provided by the client. Recognizing usability challenges such as navigation difficulties and lack of visual appeal, I prioritized enhancing user experience. Through modernization and strategic design adjustments, including improved information hierarchy and streamlined navigation, I aimed to align the PDP with Tryano's brand identity while ensuring seamless progression through the shopping journey.

My Role

Research, Analysis, Product Design, User Testing

The Team

1 Designer, 1 Product Manager


Nov 2021 - Mar 2023


During my time at Sketch, we had the opportunity to work on concept designs for JustPark. They expressed their interest in the styling of Uber's app and wanted us to take inspiration from it while staying true to JustPark's brand guidelines. Below, you'll find the finished designs that I worked on. Additionally, I played a role in building prototypes using the software 'Principle', creating realistic scenarios that showcased user interactions and animations.

Working with JustPark was a valuable experience for me, particularly in terms of client interaction, as it was early on in my career. This engagement allowed me to mature professionally and gain a deeper understanding of the design process.


When JustPark approached Sketch, they were seeking concept designs to inspire and bring fresh ideas to their new app. They admired the design and aesthetics of Uber's app, so I incorporated that inspiration while ensuring it aligned with JustPark's brand guidelines. The challenge was to strike a balance between drawing from Uber's style and establishing a unique identity for JustPark.


The solution involved delivering designs and prototypes for the user journey, specifically from the home page to the checkout, as well as a separate prototype for new user sign-ups. Utilizing Principle once again, I crafted prototypes that incorporated realistic animations for user interactions, such as dropdown menus, scrolling, and swipe gestures. To gather user feedback, we conducted testing around London Bridge, observing users' ability to easily complete a booking. The positive results confirmed the success of our test, validating the concept we had developed.

6.8 % ↑ users that proceed to checkout

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