
Website Redesign


During my time at Tryano, I led a significant website redesign project aimed at enhancing user experience and bolstering the brand's digital presence. In my capacity as Senior Product Designer, I took charge of the design process, ensuring that every aspect of the website resonated with Tryano's brand ethos while prioritising user-centric design principles.

My Role

Research & Analysis

Product Design

User Testing


Product Manager



Nov 2021 - Jan 2022

Design Process

Design Creation

As Senior Product Designer at Tryano, I led a comprehensive website redesign project aimed at enhancing user experience and strengthening the brand's digital presence. Leveraging my expertise in design principles and industry best practices, I conceptualised and executed a visually compelling and functional redesign strategy.

User Research and Analysis

The redesign process began with thorough user research and analysis to gain valuable insights into user behaviours, pain points, and preferences. By conducting in-depth user interviews, surveys, and usability testing, I was able to identify key opportunities for improvement and inform strategic design decisions.

Defining Goals

Based on the findings from the user research phase, clear goals were established to guide the redesign project. These goals encompassed enhancing usability, increasing engagement, and improving conversion rates, all while maintaining alignment with Tryano's brand identity and business objectives.

Streamlining Information Architecture

A crucial aspect of the redesign involved streamlining the website's information architecture to ensure intuitive navigation and a seamless user experience. By organising content hierarchies and simplifying menu structures, I aimed to facilitate effortless exploration and discovery for users.

Wireframing and Prototyping

The design process progressed with the creation of wireframes and prototypes, which served as blueprints for the new website layout and functionality. Through iterative design iterations and user testing, I refined the wireframes and prototypes to optimise user flow and interaction design.

Visual Design

Drawing upon Tryano's brand guidelines and visual identity, I crafted a visually stunning design language that resonated with the target audience. From typography and colour schemes to imagery and iconography, every visual element was meticulously crafted to evoke the brand's personality and enhance user engagement.


Throughout the redesign project, effective collaboration was paramount to its success. I worked closely with cross-functional teams, including developers, stakeholders, and marketing professionals, to ensure alignment with project goals and timelines. By fostering open communication and collaboration, we were able to leverage each team member's expertise to deliver a cohesive and impactful redesign.

User Testing

User testing played a pivotal role in validating design decisions and refining the user experience. Through usability testing sessions and feedback gathering mechanisms, I iteratively evaluated the effectiveness of the redesigned website. Insights gathered from user testing sessions were instrumental in identifying pain points and areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing the overall usability and satisfaction of the platform.


Despite the project's successes, it was not without its challenges. One significant challenge was balancing the need for innovation with maintaining consistency with Tryano's established brand identity. Additionally, navigating technical constraints and ensuring compatibility across various devices and browsers presented its own set of challenges. However, through strategic problem-solving and collaborative teamwork, we successfully addressed these challenges and delivered a solution that exceeded expectations.


In conclusion, the website redesign project at Tryano exemplified my ability to lead and execute impactful digital design initiatives. By combining user-centric design principles with strategic thinking and collaboration, we were able to create a website that not only elevated the brand's digital presence but also delivered an exceptional user experience. The project underscored the importance of user research, iterative design, and effective collaboration in achieving success in the digital space. As I continue to grow and evolve as a designer, I look forward to tackling new challenges and delivering innovative solutions that drive meaningful impact.



Website Redesign

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Last Updated November 2023

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Last Updated November 2023